Meaning of AC and DC

What are AC and DC?

AC DC is the name of an Australian rock band, created in 1973, by the brothers Angus and Malcolm and George Young. The band has a heavy rock style, and was one of the first to invest in a heavy metal style, along with Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin etc. The name of the band is an acronym that stands for electric current, and is named after the type of music the band plays.

AC DC Power Chains

AC DC is the acronym for alternating current / direct current. The name of the band was created after Angus and Malcolm saw the sewing machine of their older sister. They choose this name because these currents are electrical, and gave that name to demonstrate the energy and the will to succeed. The band name is pronounced letter by letter.

AC / DC Band

Some religious groups say that the term means Anti-Christ / Death-Christ, much influenced by the type of music that the band plays and by the attitudes, but this is just a rumor, and the official version of band is that of the sewing machine.

Other Meanings of AC

Acronym Definition
AC ARTS Controller
AC AWP Control
AC Aachen
AC Abdominal Circumference
AC Aberdeen College
AC Aberración Cromosómica
AC Absolute Ceiling
AC Absorption Chiller
AC Abstinence Committed
AC Academia Cotopaxi
AC Academic Complex
AC Academic Institution
AC Acceleration
AC Accept
AC Acceptance Criteria
AC Access Card
AC Access Category
AC Access Channel
AC Access Concentrators
AC Access Control
AC Access Customer
AC Acción Ciudadana
AC Account
AC Account Code
AC Account Control
AC Account Current
AC Accountability Measurement
AC Accountancy
AC Accounting Clerk
AC Ace Combat
AC Acetyl Group
AC Acid Ceramidase
AC Acknowledged Connectionless
AC Acoustic Coupler
AC Acquisition Category
AC Acquisition Center
AC Acre
AC Acromioclavicular
AC Actinium
AC Action Chit
AC Action Code
AC Action for Change
AC Activated Charcoal
AC Active Classroom
AC Active Commanding
AC Active Component
AC Active Counter
AC Actual Commitment
AC Actual Cost
AC Actual Count
AC Acute
AC Adams Central
AC Adapter Card
AC Added Copy
AC Addictions Counselor
AC Adenylate Cyclase
AC Adjacent Channel
AC Adjudicator
AC Adjustment Center
AC Administrative Complex
AC Administrative Control
AC Admirals Club
AC Adoptionscentrum
AC Adriamycin and Cytoxan
AC Adult Contemporary
AC Advance Construction
AC Advanced CMos
AC Advanced Challenge
AC Advanced Computing
AC Advent Children
AC Advent Christian
AC Advisory Circular
AC Advisory Committee
AC Advocacy Center
AC Aelod Cynulliad
AC Aero Club
AC Aerocasillas SA
AC Aerodynamic Center
AC Affinity Chromatography
AC Affinitätschromatographie
AC Affirmative Constructive
AC African Caribbean
AC After Catch Yards
AC After Christ
AC After Class
AC After Colony
AC After Colony
AC After Coupon
AC After Crowning
AC Age Concern
AC Agent Code
AC Agent Cost
AC Agir Ensemble Contre le Chômage
AC Agro Centro
AC Aiming Circle
AC Air Cadets
AC Air Canada
AC Air Cargo
AC Air Carrier
AC Air Change
AC Air Combat
AC Air Commodore
AC Air Compressor
AC Air Conditioning/Conditioner
AC Air Conditioningconditioner
AC Air Conduction
AC Air Controller
AC Air Controlman
AC Air Coordinator
AC Air Corps
AC Air Curtain
AC Air Traffic Controller
AC Air-Cooled
AC Aircraft
AC Aircraft Carrier
AC Aircraft Commander
AC Aircraftman
AC Airframe Change
AC Airspace Control
AC Akademikernes Centralorganisation
AC Aktivacní Centrum
AC Alameda County
AC Alan Cox
AC Albion College
AC Alcohol Concentration
AC Aleister Crowley
AC Alice Cooper
AC Alicyclic
AC Alignment Check
AC Alimbic Cluster
AC All Clear
AC Allen Cowlings
AC Allergic Conjunctivitis
AC Allied Chat
AC Allied Command
AC Allis Chalmers
AC Alpha Centauri
AC Altai Consulting
AC Alternate Call
AC Alternating Current
AC Alternative Certification
AC Altocumulus
AC Ambassador College
AC Ambient Computing
AC Ambush At Corellia
AC American Choppers
AC American College
AC Amherst College
AC Amount Claimed
AC Analog Computer
AC Analysis Console
AC Analyst Console
AC Analytical Chemistry
AC Anarchist’s Cookbook
AC Ancho Canyon
AC Andersen Consulting
AC Anderson College
AC Anderson Cooper
AC Angel Crew
AC Angelina College
AC Anglican Communion
AC Animal Control
AC Animal Crossing
AC Anno Christi
AC Annual Conference
AC Anonymous Caller
AC Anonymous Coward
AC Answer Complete
AC Ante Cenam
AC Ante Christum
AC Ante Cibum
AC Ante de Cristo
AC Antecubital
AC Antenna Controller
AC Antennal Commissure
AC Anterior Chamber
AC Anthony Calhoun
AC Anthony Carter
AC Anthony Consulting
AC Anthrocon
AC Anti Christ
AC Antigua
AC Antioch College
AC Apelação Cível
AC Aperture Card Sil Negative
AC Apollo’s Chariot
AC Apostolic Carmel
AC Appeal Cases
AC Appeals Council
AC Appellation Contrôlée
AC Apple Cider
AC Apple Computer
AC Application Context
AC Application Control Architecture
AC Applied Cryptography
AC Aquatic Center
AC Arc Consistency
AC Arc Cutting
AC Area Code
AC Area Commander
AC Area Commissioner
AC Area Coordinator
AC Area Correlator
AC Area of Concern
AC Arithmetic Coding
AC Arm Chair
AC Armament Computer
AC Armor Class
AC Armored Cable
AC Armored Core
AC Armoured Core
AC Army Component
AC Army Corps
AC Aromatherapy Council
AC Arret Cardiaque
AC Aryan Circle
AC Asbestos Cement
AC Asbury College
AC Ascension Island
AC Ascension Islands
AC Ash Catchem
AC Ashbury College
AC Asheron’s Call
AC Asociación Civil
AC Asotin County
AC Asphalt Cement
AC Asphalt Concrete
AC Asphalt Content
AC Assassin’s Creed
AC Assembly Complete
AC Assessment Counselor
AC Assigned Capital
AC Assist Control
AC Assistant Camera
AC Assistant Chef
AC Assistant Coach
AC Assistant Commissioner
AC Associate Commissioner
AC Associate Contractor
AC Associated Content
AC Association Class
AC Association Control
AC Association for Coaching
AC Associativity and Commutativity
AC Associazione Calcio
AC Associazione Calcistica
AC Assumption Iloilo
AC Astrographic Catalogue
AC Asynchronous Communications
AC Atheist Crew
AC Athletic Club
AC Atlantic City
AC Atlas Centaur
AC Atmospheric Chemistry
AC Atmospheric Corrector
AC Atomic Clock
AC Attachment Circuit
AC Attack Cargo Plane
AC Attack Center
AC Attack Console
AC Attenuation Correction
AC Attribute Certificate
AC Audio Codec
AC Augustana College
AC Auscultacion Cardiaca
AC Austin Croshere
AC Australian Capital Territory
AC Authentication Center
AC Authentication Code
AC Author’s Correction
AC Authorised Certified
AC Authorized Consultants
AC Autistics and Cousins
AC Auto Carrier
AC Auto Clicker
AC Auto-Cannon
AC Autocannon
AC Autocars and Accessories Ltd.
AC Autocheck
AC Automatic Callback
AC Automatic Computer
AC Automatic Correlation
AC Automation Company
AC Automobile Club
AC Autonomic Computing
AC Auxiliary Circuit
AC Auxiliary Contact
AC Auxilio Ciudadano
AC Avanti Cristo
AC Aviation Cadet
AC Aviation Challenge
AC Awaiting Connection
AC Axiom of Choice
AC Aylesbury College
AC Bureau of Arms Control
AC Companion of the Order of Australia
AC DCS/Comptroller
AC Dcscomptroller
AC Hydrogen Cyanide

Other Meanings of DC

Acronym Definition
DC Da Capo
DC Daimler Chrysler
DC Dairy Council
DC Daisy Cutter
DC Dallas Cowboys
DC Damage Class
DC Damage Control
DC Damage Controlman
DC Damage Controlman
DC Damaged Cybernetics
DC Damascus College
DC Dana College
DC Dane Cook
DC Dansalan College
DC Darigan Citadel
DC Dark Carnival
DC Dark Cloud
DC Dark Crystal
DC Dartmouth College
DC Dashboard Confessional
DC Data Camera
DC Data Carrier
DC Data Cartridge
DC Data Center
DC Data Collection
DC Data Collector
DC Data Communication
DC Data Complexity
DC Data Compression
DC Data Consult
DC Data Control
DC Data Controller
DC Data Coordinator
DC Daughter Card
DC Daughters of Charity
DC Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
DC Davao City
DC David Coulthard
DC David Cronenberg
DC Davidson College
DC Dawson Creek
DC Dawson’s Creek
DC Day Care
DC Day Case
DC Dead Caulfields
DC Dead Center
DC Dealer Cost
DC Dear Children
DC Death Cab for Cutie
DC Death Certificate
DC Death Claim
DC Death Company
DC Death Cruiser
DC Debit Card
DC Debris Collector
DC Debt Collector
DC Decatur Central
DC Deccan Chronicle
DC December’s Children
DC Decent Christian
DC Decimal Classification
DC Decision Coverage
DC Defect Code
DC Defect Coverage
DC Defensa Civil
DC Defense Carrier
DC Defense Counsel
DC Defiance College
DC Deficiency Category
DC Defined Contribution
DC Defocus Control
DC Degrees Celsius
DC Del Ray Connecting Railroad Company
DC Delayed Call
DC Delivery Confirmation
DC Deloitte Consulting
DC Delta College
DC Delta Conyne
DC Demand Code
DC Democratic Centre
DC Democratico Cristiano
DC Democrazia Cristiana
DC Demokratski Centar
DC Den Chief
DC Dendritic Cell
DC Dental Corps
DC Departamento de Computación
DC Department Chief
DC Department of Communications
DC Department of Conservation
DC Departure Control
DC Dependent Care
DC Deployment Configuration
DC Depth Charge
DC Deputies Committee
DC Deputy Commissioner
DC Derrick Coleman
DC Desert Combat
DC Desert Crisis
DC Design Change
DC Design Criteria
DC Después de Cristo
DC Destiny’s Child
DC Detection Classification
DC Detective Comics
DC Detective Conan
DC Detective Constable
DC Detector Controller
DC Detention Center
DC Detention Class
DC Developed Country
DC Developing Country
DC Development Center
DC Development Characteristics
DC Development Commissioner
DC Development Cooperation
DC Development Coordinator
DC Device Context
DC Device Control
DC Device Controller
DC Device Coordinate
DC Diablo Clone
DC Diagonally to Centre
DC Dialysis Center
DC Diameter of the Coverage Area
DC Dick Cheney
DC Dick Clark
DC Dicky Cheung
DC Diet Coke
DC Dietitians of Canada
DC Differential Correction
DC Differential Cryptanalysis
DC Difficulty Class
DC Digital Cables
DC Digital Camera
DC Digital Certificate
DC Digital Cinema
DC Digital Curriculum
DC Digital Port Card
DC Digitally Correct
DC Dikewood Corporation
DC Diners Club
DC Dioptre Cylinder
DC Diphenylcyanoarsine
DC Diplomatic Corps
DC Dipolog City
DC Direct Chill
DC Direct Communication
DC Direct Connect
DC Direct Converter
DC Direct Cost
DC Direct Credit
DC Direct Current
DC Direct Quote
DC Direction Control
DC Directional Coupler
DC Directionality Classification
DC Director of Ceremonies
DC Dirt Cheap
DC Disarmament Commission
DC Disaster Control
DC Discharge
DC Disciples of Christ
DC Discipleship Coordinator
DC Disciplinary Committee
DC Disconnect
DC Disconnect Code
DC Disconnect Confirm
DC Disconnected
DC Discontinuation
DC Discount
DC Discount Code
DC Discovery Channel
DC Discovery Connection
DC Dishonored Check
DC Disney Channel
DC Displaced Civilian
DC Display Console
DC Display Control
DC Display Controller
DC Display Coupler
DC Disposal Code
DC Distribuidora Cruz
DC Distributed Center
DC Distribution Center
DC Distributive Computing
DC District Collector
DC District Commissioner
DC District Controller
DC District Coordinator
DC District Council
DC District Court
DC District of Columbia
DC Divine Comedy
DC Division Chief
DC Division of Compliance
DC Divisional Commander
DC Divisional Commissioner
DC Divorce Court
DC Dixie Chicks
DC Docking Compartment
DC Doctor of Chiropractic
DC Doctrine & Covenants
DC Doctrine Covenants
DC Document Code
DC Document Collaboration
DC Document Control
DC Documentation Control
DC Doesn’t Count
DC Domain Component
DC Domain Controller
DC Domestic Corporation
DC Don Caballero
DC Don’t Cry
DC Doom Connector
DC Dopo Cristo
DC Doppler Centroid
DC Dordt College
DC Dorsal Column
DC Dot Com
DC Double Check
DC Double Column
DC Double Couple
DC Double Crochet
DC Double Crown
DC Doug Christie
DC Douglas College
DC Douglas Commercial
DC Douglas County
DC Down Center
DC Dragon Court
DC Drain Channel
DC Drain Cock
DC Drain Connection
DC Drake Centre
DC Dream Cast
DC DreamCast
DC Dress Circle
DC Drew Carey
DC Drift Correction
DC Drill and Ceremonial
DC Drinking Christians/Catholics
DC Drinking Christianscatholics
DC Drip Can
DC Drive Carefully
DC Droors Clothing
DC Dry Cell
DC Dry Container
DC Dual Champion
DC Dublin Core
DC Dublin Corporation
DC Dummy Corporation
DC Duration Calculus
DC Dust Collector
DC Dutchess County
DC Duty Cycle
DC Dynamic Compaction
DC National Department Chief
DC William G. Davis Centre
DC dislocated civilian